Here are the stories of UCI Interns while in DC for the summer. Talking about their job, experiences, places they went and, most importantly, things they will always remember. It is here that you hear the interns' voice. They are being real, and they are sharing with your their world for this short period of time.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guess Who I Met????

Today I was able to meet Ralph Nadar. I was in his office building and I met one of my bosses there and she introduced me to him. I mean, I felt special. I went to a fundraiser held by my job that was honoring Phil Donahue and I didn't get to meet Ralph then because everyone was all around him. But I finally did.

Also, my job had invited Kenneth Feinberg to discuss his latest findings that was released in the New York Times. It was a great talk and it was extremely interesting. I am doing some research on executive compensation, so it goes hand in hand.

The Prez Obama Burger

I had this "Prez Obama Burger" yesterday at the Good Stuff Eatery. It might sound familiar to a few of you.. That's because this place is owned by the Top Chef Spike Mendelsohn. It's right on Capitol Hill near the Capitol South metro stop and this really cute old residential area. It was amazingly delicious! Definitely try the Village Fries and the 3 different types of mayo.

PS. If you're going to the Capitol Building for a scheduled tour, get there early! We missed ours by 10 minutes and didn't get to see the building :[. Sad stuff. But hey, you can wait an hour for a walk-in tour if you want to try and take your chances. We were unlucky since there was an event going on later that day and they were closing it to any more tours, but you might be fine!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Let's Start

Welcome Interns!!
Feel free to start writing. This blog can only be great with your help. Students next year might look at this to help them with internships or to find places to eat or things of that nature. Be sure to talk about things that would be interesting for students to read.

Thanks and I hope you have fun!!!
